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GNU/Open Source Programming

What's Open Source?
Open Source is software in which the source code is freely available. This means the software is free, and offers superior abilities to be customized.

Just because Open Source software is free doesn't mean it's unsupported or inferior in quality. In fact, quite the contrary is true. Open Source code is supported by newsgroups all over the world. Often you can contact the author or authors who wrote a software package directly. And because the software is a collaborative project, many of the world's best programmers are constantly updating Open Source software packages.

Open Source typically has more support, a faster support response time, more efficient programming, and overall better stability than commercial software. It's not unusual for Open Source operating systems and software to run for years without ever crashing!

GNU Customization
Linux, FreeBSD, and many other open source systems rely on GNU software. Many of the tools within these operating systems fall under GNU's software distribution policies.

Due to its open source nature (meaning anyone can look at the source code with which the software was written) GNU is extremely useful for companies who need software precisely customized to their exact needs.

We're here to provide various GNU customization resources. Contact us today to find out how we can fine-tune Open Source software to your company's requirements.

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